Mycelium blocks are a rare but useful variant of the dirt block in Minecraft. They can be used in most of the ways regular dirt can, plus a few special ways that only apply to Mycelium. The information in this guide…

Mycelium blocks are a rare but useful variant of the dirt block in Minecraft. They can be used in most of the ways regular dirt can, plus a few special ways that only apply to Mycelium. The information in this guide…
Dyes are a customization necessity in Minecraft. They allow blocks, leather armor, and certain other objects in the game to be turned into one of the many available colors. This guide covers green dye, but there are sixteen total dyes available…
What is a pumpkin in Minecraft? Pumpkin is a type of fruit block (similar to watermelons) that can be harvested in Minecraft. They can be grown using pumpkin seeds. Rather than growing from the seed, it will grow pumpkin stems, which…
What are mushroom farms? Mushroom farms are used as a quick way to gain mushrooms in Minecraft. There are multiple ways to farm mushrooms, but it’s important to know their basic mechanics first. There are two main variants of mushrooms: huge…
This oak gazebo is the perfect place to kick back and relax in your Minecraft world. It can be used as-is in the center of a village’s pathways, given benches to make a cozy sitting area, or placed near a small…
Horses are useful mobs in Minecraft that allow you to traverse great distances while saving both time and your hunger bar. While they can be tied to a fence post with a lead to keep them from running away, that method…
What is a beacon in Minecraft? A beacon is a craftable block in Minecraft that can be powered to give beneficial effects to nearby players. When it is powered, it will release a light beam into the sky in a straight…
What is enchantment order in Minecraft? Enchantment order refers to the order your enchantments are listed and placed on your armor, tools, and weapons in Minecraft. While usually not important for more casual playthroughs of the game, it can be very…
Dyes are vanilla Minecraft’s way of allowing players to build more creatively. They can be used in Bedrock Edition, Java Edition, Pocket Edition, and Education Edition to change the color of various blocks, leather armor, dog collars, and several decorative blocks.…