Mycelium blocks are a rare but useful variant of the dirt block in Minecraft. They can be used in most of the ways regular dirt can, plus a few special ways that only apply to Mycelium. The information in this guide…

Mycelium blocks are a rare but useful variant of the dirt block in Minecraft. They can be used in most of the ways regular dirt can, plus a few special ways that only apply to Mycelium. The information in this guide…
Calcite a newer naturally spawning block, first shown during Minecraft Live 2020 and first added officially into Minecraft with 1.17, the caves and cliffs update. Calcite is a light gray “carbonate mineral” which means containing a CO2-3 ion. This block is…
When it comes to Minecraft’s underrated blocks, Pointed Dripstone is at the top of my list. While it’s not the most versatile block, the uses it does have are amazing for how easy it is to get. If you’re not familiar…
What is an echo shard in Minecraft? An echo shard is a common item in Minecraft that is the primary material used to craft a recovery compass. Recovery compasses have the ability to find the location of the player’s last death…
Are you looking to make bookshelves for your enchantment room? Or maybe are you trying to make banners for your medieval castle? Or maybe you’re looking to make rockets? Then this is the article for you! Here I will go through…
Rotten flesh is one of the most common items in the game, but it’s one that many players tend to ignore unless they are out of food. In this guide, we’ll explain all of the ways to get rotten flesh as…
What is coral? Coral is a living block that comes in multiple colors and grows in coral reefs in warm ocean biomes! Warm oceans typically spawn near desert and badland biomes. It grows naturally on the ocean floor, and it comes…
Flint and Steel is an incredibly useful tool, especially when you’re first starting in Minecraft. It’s a necessity for traveling to the Nether, helps you keep certain light blocks going if anything happens, and is overall a tool that every Minecraft…
With the 1.20 Tails and Trails update came the Decorated Pot, which is like the gorgeous older cousin of Minecraft’s original Pot. It can be crafted easily with bricks but shines when crafted using the pottery shards from the new Archeology…