Minecraft Bridge Builds: Cottagecore Cherry

The completed build.

A lot of Minecraft bridge ideas are inspired by medieval bridges, using oak wood and stone since they are materials easily acquired even in survival worlds. This Minecraft bridge design strays from the medieval design in color palette and the use of leaves, moss, and other floral components.

While using some materials that players may have to work a little harder for in survival depending on the world they spawn in, this bridge is still very doable in Minecraft. All of the components can be easily duplicated once they are acquired (with the exception of the optional spore blossoms), and the materials can be substituted to reflect the player’s local and favorite materials.

Bridge Materials

The base is a stone bridge that is five blocks wide and 16 blocks long. It is made up of 40 deepslate brick stairs and 50 deepslate brick slabs. 

This base has cherry wood side railing and uses cherry wood fences to create the bridge’s roof and stairway rails. In total, it requires 12 cherry slabs, 36 stripped cherry wood blocks, 68 cherry fences, and 14 cherry fence gates. 

Rather than using fences as “rails” for the actual bridge, this design uses moss blocks and dark oak trapdoors. Each side uses 12 moss blocks and 24 trap doors, so a total of 24 moss blocks and 48 trap doors is needed.

The roof of the bridge uses 68 oak leaves to provide cover. 8 soul lanterns are used to give off a more fairy-tale vibe than regular lanterns may, but any light source can be used.

A list of all of the building materials, which are as follows:

- 40 deepslate brick stairs
- 50 deepslate brick slabs
- 12 cherry wood planks
- 36 stripped cherry wood
- 68 cherry fences
- 14 cherry fence gates
- 70 oak leaves
- 24 moss blocks
- 48 dark oak trapdoors
- 8 regular or soul lanterns
- florals, moss, glowberries, and spore blossoms for decoration
Bridge materials list.

Everything outlined in pink is optional and used solely for decoration!

Deepslate Brick Base

Start by placing five of the deepslate brick stairs in a row at the start of the bridge.

Placing the five deepslate brick stairs in a row on flat ground.
First five stairs.

Behind each one place an upside-down deepslate brick stair.

Placing upside-down stairs behind the stairs on the ground.
Upside-down stairs behind the first five.

Continue the stairs by placing deepslate brick stairs right-side-up on top of the upside-down stairs.

The next layer of stairs is placed on the upside down ones, making a two--block-high staircase.
Placing the next layer of stairs on top of the upside-down ones.

Then repeat the second step and place deepslate brick stairs behind each newly placed stair block.

Upside-down stairs are added behind the second row of stairs.
Upside-down stairs behind the second row of stairs.

From here, start building out with the slabs! Each row will be extended out by 10 slabs.

After placing the last upside down stairs, place 10 deepslate slabs on the end of one of the rows connecting directly to the upside-down stairs at the top.
Bridge length.

Once all 50 slabs are placed, it should look like this.

Make all of the rows match each other by adding ten slabs to each just like you did for the first one.
The base of the bridge, missing just the stairs on the left.

All that’s left to do is copy what we did with the stairs on the first side to build the stairs for the second side. Start by placing upside-down stairs blocks at the end of the slabs. You may need to place a few dirt blocks here to get the stairs to be properly upside-down.

Place upside down stairs at the exposed end of the five rows of slabs.
Upside-down stairs after each row of slabs.

Then add stairs in front of each upside-down block.

The row of stairs in front of the upside-down ones.

To place the final stairs, start by placing the five that will touch the ground at the bridge’s end.

Place the five stairs on the ground first. This makes it easier to place the upside-down ones behind them.
Placing the next layer of stairs first.

Then crouch underneath the bridge and place the final stair blocks upside-down behind the ones on the ground.

Both sides of the stairs should look kind of like a diagonal braid; the stairs are diagonal, with the same gap at the inner edge of each layer due to the use of the upside-down stairs.
After adding the last layer of upside-down stairs.

The final base should look something like this if you’re following step-by-step.

The finished base from above; the left and right sides are identical.
The completed base, from above.

Cherry Wood Sides

To start the cherry accents, face the stairs on one side of the bridge. On each side of the bridge, place one stripped cherry wood block diagonal to the outer stairs.

The first stripped wood blocks are placed diagonally in front of the stairs.

Then place one cherry wood slab in front of each stripped cherry wood block. Right next to the stairs, place another block of stripped cherry directly behind the first and put one slab on top of it.

Another stripped wood is placed behind the first block. One slab is added on top of the newly placed block, while another is placed on the ground in front of the first stripped wood.

Place one cherry slab next to the second stripped wood, then place one stripped wood on top of it.

One cherry slab is placed behind the second stripped wood block, toward its upper half. A block of stripped wood is placed on top of the slab.
The top two slabs should be diagonal like this.

Continue to place stripped cherry wood in a row, stopping after placing the last block next to the first upside-down stairs block on the other side.

The stripped cherry wood is extended along the side of the bridge to the first upside-down stairs on the other side.

Then all you have to do is copy the first few steps on the next side! Place a slab underneath the final stripped wood block. Then place a stripped wood block on the ground in front of it with a slab on top, followed by a lone stripped wood block and then one slab.

Copy the other side: place one cherry slab underneath last stripped wood block placed. Then place a stripped wood block on the ground next to it with a slab on top. Follow that with a stripped wood block on its own, and then a slab at the end.
This side is now identical to where we started.

Finally, repeat on the other side!

The completed cherry sides from the other side of the bridge.
It should be the same on both sides.

Cherry Fencing

Start the fencing by placing one fence in front of the slab at the front of the stairs.

The first fence is placed in front of the slab.

Place another fence directly in front of it.

Another fence is added in front of the first fence.

Place another fence directly above the first one placed, and another over the slab block connecting to it.

A fence is placed on top of the slab and then connected to the first fence.

Repeat this process by placing fences connecting to each other backwards, ending after placing the fence on the stripped wood block with the slab underneath.

The fences are connected by adding fences to the next highest block and connecting them to the block below it. This continues until the fencing is added to the stripped wood block with the slab beneath it.
The fences should fully connect from the stripped wood block over the slab to the fence two blocks in front of the first slab.

Extend that final fence by adding three more fences on top of it. It should extend four blocks into the sky above the stripped wood block.

The fence at the top edge of the stairs is extended so that it reaches four blocks into the sky.
The fence is extended at the top edge of the stairs.

Repeat this on the opposite side so that they match.

Fencing is added to the opposing side so that the bridge is symmetrical.
TSymmetrical fencing.

From here, we’ll make an arch using the extended fences. On the side of each fence pole, place one fence so that it extends over the stairway.

The arch begins by adding one fence to the side of each pole so that they fill in the gap over the stairs.

Place one fence pole on top of each new one, and fill in that new row so both sides connect.

Another fence is added on top of the last placed two. They are connected to each other by three fences.
Basic archway.

Place one fence on top of each of the three fences in the center to form the arch.

Three fences are added on top of the three fences in the center of the previously placed row.
Completed archway.

At this point, if you’d like to you can remove the fence beneath the top center one to change the arch. Keeping it or removing it will not change how the roof is made.

The fence in the center of the middle row can optionally be removed.

After this point, the bridge should look something like this.

The bridge with the arches completed on both sides.
The bridge with completed archways on both sides.

You should have four leftover cherry fences to use for the lighting later on.

Oak Leave Roof

Building the roof can be done in two parts: the first part is adding fence gates to make sure the leaves connect to the arches, and the second is adding the leaves themselves.

Cherry Fence Gates

The fence gates are placed only on the arches to connect them to the roof. They are placed on the tops of each part of the arch: one is placed on each of the top three fences, one on each of the top edge fences of the next layer, and the last two are added to each of the fence poles.

The fence gates are added to the fence at the very top center of the bridge, the two fences directly next to that, and then the top fences on the next two layers.
Seven fence gates are added here at the “tips” and top of the archway.

This is replicated on the other side with the final seven fence gates.

The bridge's appearance after adding all of the fence gates.
Bridge after adding all of the fence gates.

Adding the Leaves

Start by placing the leaves on the first three rows. Crouch to place the oak leaves on the fence gates, then fill in the rows with the leaves.

The placement of the top layer of leaves. It is 3 blocks wide and spans across the bridge between the three fence gates at the top of each arch.
The top layer of the roof.

Then continue to fill in the rows to the left and right of the top three.

Oak leaves are placed in two more rows, covering the next second highest layer of the roof.
The second layer of the roof.

Finish the roof by adding the last twenty oak leaves to the final rows.

The last two rows of the roof are added along the last two rows with fence gates.
Completed roof.

Fairycore / Cottagecore Decorations

While optional, these details make the bridge more aesthetically pleasing! These options are definitely for the flower-gatherers, the lush cave lovers, and those who just enjoy adding a splash of cute to their Minecraft world.

Adding Lights

After building the bridge you should have four leftover cherry fence posts. I placed them three blocks from the fence gates on both sides of the bridge.

The leftover cherry fences are used to hold the bridge's light sources.

Then I added a soul lantern to each to light the body of the bridge.

The lanterns are added at the bottom of the fences.

Lastly, I added a soul lantern to the final fence post after the stairs on each side of the bridge.

Add lanterns in front of each staircase to finish lighting up the bridge!

Moss Sides

To make the mossy “rails”, place moss blocks between the fences on top of the stripped wood sides.

Adding the moss blocks on top of the stripped wood to make "railing".

Do this on both sides of the bridge to make two complete rows.

The bridge with two complete rows of moss.

Then add trapdoors to the sides of the moss. I do this by clicking on the edge between the deepslate bricks and the moss blocks.

Dark oak trapdoors are placed in front of the moss blocks and then closed to act as a frame.

Repeat this process on the outside as well.

Dark oak trapdoors are placed outside of the bridge against the moss blocks to ensure they're framed on both sides.

It should look like this when all the trap doors are placed.

The bridge after the moss sides are completed.

From there, moss carpets, flowers, weeds, and any other decorations can be added on top of the moss blocks!

Flowers, moss carpets, and other items can be added on top of the moss blocks to customize the bridge further.

Adding Spore Blossoms

To add spore blossoms, start by removing the same number of oak leaves from the ceiling as the number of spore blossoms you have. Here I’m adding two blossoms, so I removed two oak leaves.

Remove oak leaves from the ceiling in the spots where you want to place spore blossoms.
Removal of the oak leaves.

Then fill in the spaces with moss blocks.

Fill in the holes left behind with moss blocks.
Fill in the gaps with moss.

From there, just add the spore blossoms beneath the moss blocks! The spore blossoms will hang in the ceiling, spreading pretty green particles on those walking on the bridge.

Place the spore blossoms on the previously placed moss blocks and you're done!
The bridge after adding the spore blossoms.

Glowberry Underside

Glowberries added underneath a smaller bridge.

Adding glowberries is the easiest way to spruce up any bridge! They look best beneath bridges going over a gap or river.

Glowberries underneath a river bridge.

Examples of Material and Decoration Substitutions

Medieval / Village Version

A medieval version of the bridge following the same step-by-step tutorial.

This bridge would fit right in around Plains Villages! It’s simple and relatively easy to source, with the hardest block to obtain being grass.

Modern Glass Version

A modern version of the bridge following the same step-by-step tutorial.

This bridge feels like a futuristic travel-tube, courtesy of its quartz base, glass block and pane railing, and its use of end rods for lighting.

Japanese-Inspired Mangrove Version

A Japanese-inspired version of the bridge following the same step-by-step tutorial.

This build uses mangrove and dark oak wood to create a Japanese-inspired bridge! It uses podzol, potted azaleas, torch flowers, and regular lanterns as decorations.

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